√99以上 keep looking up meaning 315580-What does looking up mean

Definition of lookup phrasal verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and moreLooking up may also be a signal of boredom as the person examines the surroundings in search of something more interesting Head lowered and eyes looking back up at the other person is a coy and suggestive action as it combines the head down of submission with eye contact of attractionFrom Longman Business Dictionary keep up phrasal verb 1 transitive keep something → up to prevent something from falling to a lower level with The high demand for cereals was responsible for keeping agricultural wages up with prices 2 transitive keep something → up to continue to make payments such as rent etc on time Your home is at

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What does looking up mean

What does looking up mean-Keep On Looking synonyms 45 Words and Phrases for Keep On Looking continue seeking continue to find continue to look continue to seek keep looking continue exploring continue looking continue searching"Keep looking up, that's the secret of life" Charlie Brown by Self Improvement Daily • A podcast on Anchor While I don't know if it's the secret to life, keeping your head up helps you move

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Taking a patient look outlook, lookout the act of looking out survey, view, sight the act of looking or seeing or observing;See also look, thing, up Myth Busted Looking Left or Right Doesn't Indicate If You're Lying A psychological study has debunked the idea that the direction of a speaker's eyes indicate lying or telling the truth

Things are or appear to be improving or becoming more hopeful Things are looking up for families across the country as the economy continues to rebound I just found out that I got the job I wanted—things are really looking up!Snoopy Keep Looking Up Quote SVG Digital File CricutSvgCompany From shop CricutSvgCompany 45 out of 5 stars (470) 470 reviews SalePreserve Context example The museum curator conserved the ancient manuscripts Hypernyms (to "keep up" is one way to) keep (look after;

Transitive to try to find a particular piece of information by looking in a book or on a list, or by using a computer I didn't know what ' loquacious ' meant and had to look it up in a dictionary Synonyms and related words To try to find out information look up 1 To turn one's gaze or attention from something else, often by literally lifting one's head or turning one's eyes 2 To perform a search for some particular information, as on a search engine, in a book, etc Can you look up the 3 To contact someone, typically when you are in theTo improve something improve His health has improved dramatically since he started exercising get better The first part of the book isn't very good but it gets better rally The team played badly

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To continue to pretend that something is true She tried to appear cheerful but couldn't keep it up His family kept up the pretence that he had been ill Synonyms and related wordsObservance, watching, observation the act of observing;Define keep a lookout for keep a lookout for synonyms, keep a lookout for pronunciation, keep a lookout for translation, English dictionary definition of keep a lookout for n 1 The act of observing or keeping watch



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Keep on looking up (keep on looking up) Keep on looking up (keep on looking up) Keep on looking up (keep on looking up) fade out Submit Corrections AZLyrics C The Clark Sisters Lyrics album "Unworthy" (1976) I Can Do All Things Thru Christ That Strengthens Me I'm Going To Have Just What I WantHold as one's own If you like it, keep it Keep the change See more Keep Looking Up Date The earth, is about to have a close encounter with the planet Mars Never again in your lifetimes will the red planet be so close to our world, and a view spectacular When you post, you agree to the terms and conditions of our comments policy Click here to read it

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Maintain in good condition, as in Joan really kept up the property Mid1500s This usage also appears in the idiom keep up appearances, meaning "to maintain a good front, make things lookYou experience runs in streaks where it seems like you are seeing 11's everywhere The number 11, and often multiples of it (repeating numbers), such as 111, 1111, 22, 222, 33, 333, 44, 444, 55, and 555 appear on receipts, license plates or in other various odd ways with unbelievable frequency This weird coincidence probably started happening 1 to keep adequately informed or uptodate keep up on international affairs 2 to continue without interruption rain kept up all night 3 to maintain contact or relations with

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Keep up definition 1 to be able to understand or deal with something that is happening or changing very fast 2 to Learn moreAlternative form of lookup (noun)Meaning Keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction Classified under Verbs of buying, selling, owning Synonyms conserve;

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Looking Up Idioms By The Free Dictionary

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